Sunday 12 November 2017

Absolutely Everything (2)

Absolutely Everything – the exhibition which I curated at TAAG, Teignmouth - finished on November 3rd. During the week TAAG had almost 700 visitors. About half were attending workshops, but many of them also visited the exhibition. Here is a selection of photos from the exhibition.

Angela Hilton

Katie Scott-Hamilton

Whitney-Anne Baker

Angela Hilton

Karen Tarr

Karen Tarr

Karen Tarr

Cress de la Fosse

Clare Heaton

Clare Heaton

Clare Heaton

David Harbott

Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Comments book
My other blog 'But Is It Art?' contains a fuller record of my contribution to the exhibition, which can be accessed here. Thanks to everyone who visited and, most of all, to the artists – Whitney-Anne Baker, Cress de la Fosse, Clare Heaton, David Harbott, Katie Scott-Hamilton, Karen Tarr – who made the exhibition a success.

A report in the Teignmouth Post by Anna Grayson can be accessed here.