Sunday 12 November 2017

Absolutely Everything (2)

Absolutely Everything – the exhibition which I curated at TAAG, Teignmouth - finished on November 3rd. During the week TAAG had almost 700 visitors. About half were attending workshops, but many of them also visited the exhibition. Here is a selection of photos from the exhibition.

Angela Hilton

Katie Scott-Hamilton

Whitney-Anne Baker

Angela Hilton

Karen Tarr

Karen Tarr

Karen Tarr

Cress de la Fosse

Clare Heaton

Clare Heaton

Clare Heaton

David Harbott

Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Comments book
My other blog 'But Is It Art?' contains a fuller record of my contribution to the exhibition, which can be accessed here. Thanks to everyone who visited and, most of all, to the artists – Whitney-Anne Baker, Cress de la Fosse, Clare Heaton, David Harbott, Katie Scott-Hamilton, Karen Tarr – who made the exhibition a success.

A report in the Teignmouth Post by Anna Grayson can be accessed here.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Absolutely Everything

Our next group exhibition, ‘Absolutely Everything’, is at TAAG Gallery 1 in Teignmouth from 28th October to 3rd November. Contributing artists include: Angela Hilton, Clare Heaton, Cress de la Fosse, David Harbott, Karen Tarr, Karen Scott-Hamilton and Whitney-Anne Baker. Here is a link to the TAAG exhibition page.

The PV is from 4 to 6 on Sunday 29th October. I hope you will look in to say hello and check out what promises to be an interesting exhibition.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Baltic Wharf Mis-Guide: A Performance Walk

Facebook reminded me of this walk around part of Totnes two years ago (September 2015), led by Phil Smith. I thought it was worth reposting it here. The walk was advertised as follows:

Phil Smith, a pioneer of mythogeography noted for his mis-guided tours and books on walking, will illuminate the mottled history of a small part of the Western bank of the Dart with accidental land art, zigzags, bullets in joists, tales from Gdansk, and migrant oaks. In the shadow of the new housing development, walls will rise and windows open all around. He will set in motion a multitude of journeys around the wharf and its neighbouring paths which may include butterfly flittings, cargoes of timber trading, circling buzzards, the magnetic attraction of mines, leaps, launches and the spongy walk of Scandinavian sailors.

The walk did not disappoint. As I said in my facebook post: Phil's storytelling was as entertaining and mystifying as ever.

"I gasped when I was suddenly confronted by this view. It looks like an idea of Nature constricted in a Picture. Because that's what it is. A country estate, its grasses 'mown' by sheep farming, its oaks 'tastefully' planted rather than thinned by deer. It's the construct that, in this part of the world, has been passing for a natural world for a quarter of a millennium." (Phil Smith)


The walk started at Baltic Wharf and then moved uphill to Sharpham Drive, the Sharpham estate and to the edge of open countryside, before we ran out of time. I don't recall the detailed stories and couldn't retell them anyway but it was like peering through a fence into another world ...

Tuesday 19 September 2017

PCA Fine Art Degree Show 2017

The PCA Fine Art Degree Show took place at the Regent Street Studios during June 2017. Here are some photos from the exhibition.

Buy one, Get one free - Steve

Belinda Rickard

Belinda Rickard

Beth Sullivan

Beth Sullivan

David Mylor

David Mylor

Luke Gill's and Erin Neill's work (foreground)

Luke Gill

Angela Hilton

Angela Hilton

Louise Riou-Djukic

Ella Wilmot

Nara Wilson



Sasha Reeve

Vesi Zheleva

Grace Wagstaff

Becky Williams

Becky Williams

Beth Smiles

Beth Smiles

Sam Turner

Sam Turner