Tuesday 19 November 2013

More from High Cross House - Fiona Robinson, Sophie Tarbuck & Melanie Guy

I've previously posted about High Cross House - an example of modernist architecture in Dartington currently run by the National Trust but which will be closing to the public after early 2014 due to low visitor numbers. Nevertheless, it is going out with a bang, and is showing a number of interesting exhibitions during 2013. Exhibitions by Fiona Robinson and Sophie Tarbuck finished this weekend and I managed to catch them just before they closed.

The Fiona Robinson works are a series of drawings she has made in response to High Cross House and can be seen in full here. 'A significant amount of the work made for the High Cross House commission focuses on the curve that connects the two sides of William Lescaze’s stark modernist structure'. It is a fascinating set of drawings.

Sophie Tarbuck's work is a series of small wooden structures - similar in style to some of Michael Samuels' work - aesthetically pleasing and retro in equal measure.

In addition, some impressive sculptures in pewter by Melanie Guy were being exhibited when I visited.

A number of photos of High Cross House and the works being exhibited are shown here. For a fuller selection of works by each artist follow the links in this post.

Fiona Robinson

Fiona Robinson

Fiona Robinson

Sophie Tarbuck

Sophie Tarbuck

Sophie Tarbuck

Sophie Tarbuck

Melanie Guy

Melanie Guy

The arrangement for High Cross House to be managed by the National Trust and kept open to the public will end after March 2014.

Monday 18 November 2013

Lisa Watts and Lucy May at Exeter Spacex - Skittish (final week)

This is the final week of Skittish at Spacex (ending on Saturday 23rd November). The exhibition combines sculptures by Lucy May with performance by Lisa Watts.

Lucy has made some very visceral sculptures out of wax for the exhibition. The pieces are substantial but retain a fluidity which is achieved by her personally blending the wax that she uses. In addition to the wax pieces there is a large work which combines coloured foam with artificial flowers and other material on a wedding cake-like dais, and three gilded bronze sculptures mounted on individual plinths.

Lucy's influence is the baroque but she interprets this using modern materials and in a uniquely personal way. The wax sculptures produce conflicting responses because they are both beautiful and yet rather gruesome at the same time.

Lisa Watts will be performing from Wednesday afternoon until Saturday. Her previous work has included pieces with a strong feminist agenda but she says that this project is deliberately playful. She works with all kinds of materials including tin foil, light sticks, extending rules, plastic bags etc and after a month of her performances, the gallery is littered with the stuff she has used.

While the intent may be playful, she is entirely serious when she is performing, using earplugs to maintain her concentration; and she performs regardless of whether there is anyone in the gallery. She also teaches on degree level art courses and is both approachable and fascinating to talk with, when not performing.

In the other gallery space a 7 minute film made by Lisa is showing in a loop. This is also a playful piece but has a soundtrack which is reminiscent of a science fiction movie, which gives it a slightly menacing feel.

Skittish finishes on Saturday at Spacex but goes on to two other venues - Newcastle and Leeds - where Lucy will be working with different artists. In the meantime, get along to see it at Spacex, if you can.